Win 7 Ulimate
Thanks for purchasing Windows 7 Ultimate key from me. You should have received your key in a previous email. If not, please note that the first 25 digits of your tracking number is your key.
You need to install the Windows 7 first on your computer and activate the windows using the key after the computer is connected to internet.
Please use the link below to download. If download fails, please simply change to a different web browser.
32 bit:
64 bit
Please download only from the link above. Your will download an ISO file. You need to burn (copy) it to a disc or usb stick using software like Poweriso. You can download this software from and its trial version will work. Please choose the option of “create bootable disc/usb” to unpack the ISO file to a disc/usb. After that, please start your computer from that disc/usb and the installation will begin.
After installation, please use the key to activate the windows after you computer is online. The key cannot be used to activate any pre-installed windows system from computer manufacturer like DELL, HP. Also, this is an OEM key, you cannot use it to download directly from Microsoft