Win 8.1 pro
Thanks for purchasing Windows 8.1 pro from me. You should have received your key in a previous email. If not, please note that the first 25 digits of your tracking number is your key.
Your download link:
Windows 8
(Please choose the first download option for win 8.1)
Your will download an ISO file. You need to burn (copy) it to a disc or usb stick using software like Poweriso. You can download this software from and its trial version will work. Please choose the option of “create bootable disc/usb” to unpack the ISO file to a disc/usb. After that, please start your computer from that disc/usb and the installation will begin.
Please note that download and installation might not need a key, but you do need the key to activate windows after installation. Otherwise, you end up with a trial version and will get blocked in the future.